The School of Transformation 2023
The East Cleveland Municipal Court School of Transformation (formally known as The Probation Department)
#1 Cycle Breaker Intake Form
#2 Why Am I Here? (Five Why's Deep)
#4 Exposure and Emotions
#5 Goals Worksheet and Questions
New #6 Good Self Starter and QUESTIONSLesson
Meditation on Concentration (Audio Only)
#8 Factors Determiing Quality of Life and Questions
Post Assessment
Retaliation NEVER wins!
Being Happy
Questions on "Happy" Google Doc
Questions on "Happy" Same - Not Google Doc
Questions on "Happy" same as Google Doc on this platform
Lesson 1: Study Your Past So That You Can Determine Your Future
QUESTIONS for Study Your Past So That You Can Determine Your Future
Lesson 2: Identify And Deal With The Sources Of Pain (Hurt People Hurt People)
QUESTIONS for Identify and Deal with The Sources of Pain
Lesson 3: Breaking Down a Disorderly Conduct Case
QUESTIONS for Breaking Down a Disorderly Conduct Case
The Cycle Breaker Book
The Cycle Breaker Workbook Class.pdf
The Impact Of Domestic Violence on Children
QUESTIONS for The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
A Mile In Her Shoes
QUESTIONS for A Mile In Her Shoes
Violence Against Women
QUESTIONS for Violence Against Women
Why Domestic Violence Victims Don't Leave
QUESTIONS for Why Domestic Violence Victims Don't Leave
Confronting Domestic Violence Abusers
QUESTIONS for Confronting Domestic Violence Abusers
What Emotional Abuse Does To Your Brain
Couple Arguing On The Street
Couple Arguing in Public QUESTIONS
Triggers - Meek Mill 2023 Tweet
"How Not To Lose Your S%*# " with Judge Dawson
"Identify and Deal With The Sources of Pain" with Judge Dawson
Taking Responsibility
"Study Your Past So That You Can Determine Your Future" with Judge Dawson
Mind Management Moment - Perspective, Perception, Vessel
Mind Management Moment "Keys to Happiness" On Suffering
Mindful Moment "The Fragility That We All Have" - Audio
Mindful Moment "The Fragility That We All Have" - QUESTIONS