Course curriculum

    1. Expectations and Road Map of the PYF Teacher Training

    2. Introduction to Yoga Teacher Training

    3. The Wonderful World of You

    4. Why PYF, The Pillars, How to teach the first asana

    5. Questions

    6. PYF Class Flow Poses “Child’s Pose”

    7. Ahimsa

    8. Ahimsa Questions

    1. Satya

    2. Staya Questions

    3. Power Yoga Flow Pillar 1 & 2

    4. Skill - Cat Cow

    5. Skill - Upward Facing Dog

    6. Skill - Down Dog

    7. The PYF Wave

    8. Sun A and Sun B Combined Demo

    9. Sun B Flow

    10. Power Yoga Flow Class Series Sun B series Slow to Flow

    11. Sun Salutation A (Step by Step)

    12. Sun Salutation B (Step by Step) * With SPECIAL PYF ADDITIONAL MOVES

    13. PYF on Light

    14. Your Thoughts on PYF on Light

    1. Asteya

    2. Asteya Questions

    3. Pillar 3

    4. The Teaching Wave

    5. Sun Salutation A in Pictures and Sanskrit

    6. Sun Salutation B with Pictures and Sanskrit

    1. Bramachaya

    2. Brahmacharya Questions

    3. Brahmacharya "Non Excess"

    4. Pillar 4

    5. History of B.K.S Iyengar

    6. Iyengar Demonstration 1984

    7. Uncommon Yogi - History of the African American Yogi

    8. PYF Basics Level 1

    9. PYF 19 Pose Breakdown

    1. Aparigraha

    2. Aparigraha Questions

    3. Aparigraha "Non Possessiveness"

    1. The Chakras with Judge Dawson

    2. The Chakras with Earth Mama

    3. Nadis & Chakras

    4. Nadis Video 2

    5. Nadis Review with Judge Dawson (Audio)

    6. Nadis Homework

    7. Prana Vayus

    8. Prana Vayus with Judge Dawson (Audio)

    9. Prana Vayus Homework

About this course

  • Online Training
  • 108 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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